Fall in love with your hair again

Fall in love

with your

hair again

Ditch the products that secretly ruin your locks. Unlock better hair and the confidence to live life beautifully with our holistic hair care courses.

Take the 14 Day Hairqare Challenge

Holistic hair care might be your way out. Learn what it is you're doing that's secretly ruining your strands.

Replace harmful practices with good haircare habits and see results in 14 days with our beginner-friendly hair care course.
Your hair and scalp are giving you a hard time and you don't know what to do to fix it?
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Hairqare is hair care - done right.

Hairqare is the world's only hair care solution designed to help you reach your personal hair goals without complex treatments, consulting countless specialists, or wasting time and money on expensive products that don't work. Our online haircare courses and science-backed programs offer professional advice made easy for at-home hair care with faster, long lasting results.

see how it works
Happy Students Worldwide

How you'll fall in love with
your hair again

Break up with your toxic hair products

Start with a clean slate. Break up the toxic relationship between you and the haircare industry. Gone are the weeks that started with a Monday morning wasted in front of the mirror, trying to recover your hair from using a product that didn't work as promised.

No harmful chemicals

Date your hair again

The routine templates and insider knowledge in your digital workbook and bonus eBooks will accompany you through the 14 days and beyond.

Packed with exclusive DIY haircare formulations, bonus courses and step-by-step instructions you'll create your own routines with ease.

Treatments tailored to your Unique Hair Profile

Fall in love again

Rekindle the flame. Fall in love with your hair and yourself to achieve results that last, with less effort and time.

A haircare routine you love

After 14 days...

You'll leave with

3 Haircare Routines that holistically address your specific hair concerns.

A homemade shampoo that's completely safe and toxin-free.

Knowledge of which supplements you actually need for better hair.

Visible improvements in your hair and scalp.

A new sense of self, more confidence and beauty - inside and out.

Build your own science-backed routine tailored to your needs

Take care of your hair with the help of MDs, biologists, chemists and other researchers who teach classes inside our programs.

Read more about hairqare

Take the 14 Day Hairqare Challenge

Curious about how to care for your hair holistically and break the cycle of buying products that don't work?

Build your own holistic haircare routine according to Hairqare principles and see results in 14 days with our Challenge. Even if nothing has worked for you so far.
Learn More

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